“O Counselor, Counselor. Wherefore art thou O Counselor?” Cool, Romeo and Juliet worked out that whole Montague and Capulet dispute. Yup, those family street brawls are squashed for good. Well, actually, the two clans got their tights all twisted after they were feud shamed on Twitter, so that was that. At least “Romiet” can focus on getting a counselor to help them address their high school student-athletic concerns. Oh yes, they’re all about their Shakesports. Now, instead of being the power couple of the 16th century, these high school sweethearts have their eyes set on college and possible athletic careers.
Since Romeo became BMOC – Big Montague on Campus, he’s started to realize that he and Juliet need someone who will provide necessary details about academic requirements for graduation, college admission, their participation in athletics and the most up-to-date information from the largest athletic conferences. So, to avoid a Shakespearian drama, we, at Achieve Financial Group, decided to play it out and show these star-crossed companions the role of a counselor:
- To start as early as the ninth grade when getting student-athletes prepared for graduation, college applications and the academic and athletic requirements.
- To get students to equally focus on their athletics and academics. The counselor should also express the importance of choosing a college for the academics as well as for their athletic programs.
- To stay involved with the coaches, so he/she can provide students with the best information for their college search and athletic requirements.
- To explain the timeline differences between their application for college and the national athletic association.
- To prepare students for the academic requirements for college, the national athletic association and high school graduation.
- To let students know the athletic associations’ academic eligibility requirements early and to get parents involved with the whole process.
- To get students an overview of the athletic associations and conferences like the NCAA
- To work with the student’s school coaches with open lines of communication, especially with providing them with yearly eligibility requirements by the NCAA
So, “Romiet” don’t deny thy counselor, or refuse thy help. Your counselor will give you the specific tools, resources and information that you need to graduate from high school, apply for college and meet the requirements to qualify for athletic associations. So, no more throwin’ down in the town square, your families can throw congratulations at you when you graduate and head off to college with promising athletic and academic futures. #AchieveMore
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